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Our IT Achievements

1995 marks the beginning of the development of our own software in Chan Wa. In that year, the school examination results were processed for the first time using computers in this school.

Back in the good ol' days, a hard-working teacher took the better part of two days to calculate, record and transfer the marks of a class of forty students into two huge mark sheets. These were compiled in the office in a mammoth file which were really impossible for a head master to carry from class to class to have pep talks with the students.

It took a revolution in the mind of some teachers to convert to the new paradigm, as certain of the more diligent teachers pride themselves in their beautifully hand-written mark sheets!

Today, it takes under two seconds for the same job to be done, minus the data entry and printing, which took only 30 minutes.

Here's a brief synopsis of the historical development of software in this school. Although the advanced countries are far ahead of us, this is our humble beginnings of more to come.


A brief history of the development of CWCC




Computerization of the School Examination System. OS Used:DOS. Program Used:REX


Training for students, teachers and staff


Building of the School INTRANET System


Development of the School Web Pages


Access to INTERNET

Official Launching of CWCC

Launching of the School Web


Launching of Dizcovery Science Centre


e-Science and e-Physics for the learning of these subjects introduced


Research into Web Services

Production of EWSS


Introduction of SOCC

Broadband access to INTERNET ‘broadband’ throughStreamyx


Examination Processing System (REX)

Language used against time to process 40 students:

  • dbase II             30 minutes
  • Turbo Pascal     10 minutes
  • C language         < 2 seconds


  • average,grade, level
  • positions in Class and Form
  • Mark sheets for each class
  • Mark slips for each student

Examinations Analysis System

Examinations Export Module



Class Registration System


This system is capable of registering all students in this school in electronic format when the school is ready for it. At present it is used only for selected classes. Here are some of its features:

C Database Management System

We have developed our own C Database Management System that manipulates data in x-base file format. This has been succesfully implemented in our exams processing system and Class Registration System.


Physics Applets

We invite you to visit our e-Education pages. We are already producing world-class Physics java applets, as we have not seen any better applets posted on the Internet for the teaching of Physics, even at University level. And we are improving day by day. We have at this moment posted applets for the following topics:



EWSS - Examinations Web Services System

This is a software system designed using the latest ICT technology. It is built on Microsoft's new .NET Framework and uses the latest computer language, the C# language. The main objective of the program is the processing of examinations results.


SOCC - Student-Oriented Content Creation

This is a project that enables students in groups to use the Internet to create lesson content and present their findings using a PowerPoint presentation.





Mailto : smjkchanwa@po.jaring.my

Software Development Team:

Yip Chi Kiong

Created By SMJK Chan Wa

Computer Club Students & Internet Team

Officially Launched on April 1999

Last Updated:05/31/05