Sekolah Menengah Chan Wa

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 Cemerlang dalam bidang akademik dan ko-kurikulum

Hasrat melahirkan pelajar inovatif, kreatif dan berkualiti dalam semua bidang

Amalkan semangat kekitaan, berdisplin setiap warga sekolah

Niat mempertingkatkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkesan

Wujud iklim sekolah ceria, bersih , harmoni sepanjang masa

Amalkan  hubungan mesra dan prihatin warga sekolah dengan komuniti


        Challenging every student to excel in both the academic and co-curriculum fields

        Hailing students who are innovative, creative and of high quality in every field

        Awarding the spirit of unity and discipline in every student

        Nourishing students through effective teaching and learning

        Weaning through a beautiful, clean and harmonious school environment

        Acting out a caring and close relationship with the community

unofficial translation by yzq
