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The Year 2005

Cross-country - 20 Jan 2005

Location-Branch School

GO! And they made it. Young people enduring the hottest run in the country!

Calligraphy - 29 Jan 2005

Location - Branch School

First, the Masterpiece

They wrote, bending, crouching, squatting, sitting,..whatever is comfortable!

And they flew, they jumped and they danced...they call it entertainment...

The countenance of eager anticipation...and the pride of success


Gotong Royong - 5 Feb 2005

Once upon a time, mosquitoes ruled the town, and felled a young damsel. Their weapon was the fearsome Dengue Virus.

So they said, let's work together, let's go gotong-royonging...

They cleared, they carried, they flushed

Was it peace, or was it working together to give hell to the mosquitoes;

their weapons were brooms, water canons, and hard labour.

Yes, it was WAR against a deadly enemy!

I heard that the Commander-in-Chief was a lovely princess,

but I would not tell you her name, or show you her picture;

it's a State Secret.

They swept, and they made sure that you know that they enjoyed their gotong-royonging

They even had a brass band to drive out the mosquitoes.

Finally they burned them all away!

Generalissimo Tai declares victory behind enemy lines at the border of the Fire Front.

And the war was over; multitudes of enemies were killed.

The last count was 28,888

Sports Day -

26 Feb 2005



Wushu 29 Jul 2005

Bulan Patriotisme

29 August 2005













Mailto : smjkchanwa@po.jaring.my

Created By SMJK Chan Wa

Computer Club Students & Internet Team

Supervised by Yip Chi Kiong

Officially Launched on April 1999

last updated: 09/03/05