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Strategic planning

The current implementation of CWCC involves two major projects:

SOCC - Student Oriented Content Creation

EWSS - Examinations Web Services System



Student Oriented Content Creation

This project was started to enable students to use the Internet to obtain material to create content for their own learning experience. Students enjoy surfing the Net, and we harness their innate interest in the medium to help them learn Science. Students are divided into groups of 3 or 4 to enable teamwork in creating PowerPoint presentations which they present at the end of each year.

SOCC has been successfully implemented for the teaching of Core Science. It is now also implemented for the teaching of Physics.

A page from the student's presentation

Here is the link to the paper that launched the SOCC project.



Examinations Web Services System

This is an ambitious software system that employs the latest developments in software engineering. It started as a Masters Thesis Project and has been implemented successfully since 2003. The project is based upon Web Services and is designed and written from scratch using the C# language, which is the newest computer language launched by Microsoft.

The software system consists of the following components:

The Web Services component

The Data Entry component

The Report module

The Analysis module

Students entering marks into EWSS





Mailto : smjkchanwa@po.jaring.my

Created By SMJK Chan Wa

Computer Club Students & Internet Team

Officially Launched on April 1999

Last Updated